Our Response
We work with underserved communities and people, bringing diverse voices together to make change that lasts. We are not afraid to ask challenging questions of people with influence, to help them find creative and inclusive solutions to community challenges.
LEARN from experience
Collaborating with others, we learn from diverse perspectives and real experiences, to drive innovative solutions. We share lessons from development processes across the globe and use past experience to shape solutions for the future – it’s central to everything we do.
CONNECT everyone involved
Building relationships with communities and governments.
Developing trusted relationships and networks is vital. We connect and build capacities of groups who rarely speak or meet. We work with all sections of society – from politicians to communities – reaching out to people who are bypassed by mainstream peace and development processes.
BUILD sustainable solutions
Working together to find different responses.
Working in partnership, we find creative ways to initiate innovative solutions, solve problems and kick-start change. We accompany our partners, involve the community and influence governments to do things differently. The result – we help build peaceful and inclusive societies.
EQUIP through local ownership
Helping people in under-served communities make a change.
We work side-by-side with the people living in under-served communities – providing connections, developing skills and equipping them to take part in the peace and development processes. We bring people from local communities of to meetings with policymakers, so policies can be informed by those experiencing the impact of the situation policies are to be developed for. All this means that their voices are heard, they lead initiatives and their insight drives action.