Category Archives: Arts & Crafts

DMF At The Limbe Festival of Arts and Culture (FESTAC) 2017

Denis Miki Foundation exhibited at the Limbe Festival of Arts and Culture (FESTAC) from the 8th of April to April 15th 2017. Under the distinguished patronage of the Minister of Arts and Culture; The Limbe Festival of Arts and Culture showcases the cultural affluence of the creative and talented Cameroonian people in all its facets. The most spectacular aspect of this cultural jamboree is its inclusive nature as it provides room for exhibitions from all parts of our colourful and richly blessed Fatherland. The ambiance of this event is also enhanced by its international dimension as it is graced by participation from other African countries like Nigeria, Togo, Benin and others.
Highlights of the event include the highly acclaimed canoe race, the great marathon, energetic and exciting tradition dances, breathtaking arts and cultural exhibitions, rib-cracking tug of war and the famous traditional wrestling.

As an Art Exhibitor ar FESTAC, it was our first exhibition of our BellePaper products. The BellePaper project by DMF is birthed thanks to our wonderful collaboration with Rural Women Development Center – RuWDEC. Thanks to the Limbe public who welcomed the product with so much enthusiasm and “Waohhhhssss”.


BellePaper is the transformation of waste paper to beautiful flower jars or paper baskets. Another phase of the project is the skills training to children and interested members of the public on recycling of waste paper from trash to treasurable products.