We invite you to be part of the Mandela Day (#MandelaDayWithDMF) 2019 Celebration designed to provide humanitarian assistance by Non-Food Items (NFI), Food Items, Health Insurance and SMEs Start-up Capital to identified vulnerable individuals in Limbe and around the South West Region. The event will be hosted by the Denis Miki Foundation under the leadership of 2017 Mandela Fellow and 2018 Obama Foundation African Leader, Emily Miki.

At the event you will have the opportunity to Share Love with our Cameroonian brothers and sisters and lend a hand as a way of Service to humanity. The event will be very interactive and you will have the opportunity to engage with and inspire persons who need a word and a support to make them realize they are loved and cared for.
The event which has support from a large team and family of DMF Volunteers (#DMFvolunteers), DMF Mentees (#DMFmentees), DMF donors, supporters and partners will also serve as a platform of networking at the place of service which is fundamental for key partnerships to be developed.
The event is slated to hold on Thursday 18th July, 2019 at Limbe, South West Region, Cameroon at 11 a.m. The event is entirely free but as a condition of participation we are requesting your support to host the event with a donation from the list below and confirm your availability by emailing us at contact@denismikifoundation.cm or phone calls at 652 975 274. Your 1 or 2 bar(s) of soap will make a change in the project!
Donation(s) List
1. Detergents/Omo
2. Soap
3. Food Items
4. Hygienic Products
5. BEPHA Health Insurance Sponsorship (6000CFA/$12)
6. SME Startup Capital
7. Educational Scholarship(s)
8. In Cash Donations by MTN Mobile Money to 652 975 274, Orange Money to 693 235 512 or by Paypal at https://www.paypal.me/pools/c/8elh0vUs2W, by Visa or MasterCard at https://www.paypal.com/donate/?token=oTztjMWnAJEVUEvIrcAoLFJDhGOYbQfduYBnzaCRpqWZCarOg43R5OXf2mp5wNMNhDS0Nm&country.x=US&locale.x=