In an effort to #StopCOVID19 in Cameron, Denis Miki Foundation has been distributing free Reusable Face Masks to churches, starting with Christ Evangelical Ministry International while practicing social distancing, ensuring youth participation and gender mainstreaming with adolescent girls of the Her Voice Club and kid activists taking an active role in our #LetsBeatCOVID19 initiatives. The Face Masks are made following WHO and Center for Disease Control (CDC) prescriptions. This is following our training on the production of locally made Hand Sanitizers and distribution of free Reusable Face Masks in Bokwango village, in Cameroon.

In Cameroon the number of confirmed cases keeps increasing with a total over 900 and over 18 recorded deaths. In response to this alarming situation, the government of Cameroon through the Prime Minister on March 17, 2020 in a press conference announced some 13 actions and measures as government’s response in curbing COVID19. We keep seeing new actions being imposed on the community at both the national and decentralized levels.
In our immediate community, we still on a daily basis try to convince the lay man or woman of the existence of COVID-19. This sad reality goes to show how the community is still in high denial of the realities of this global pandemic. In our outreaches to distribute resources, train and educate on the preventive measures of this disease we discover the local man or woman has limited knowledge on the virus, it’s symptoms and preventive measures.

As an effort to contribute to #StopCOVID19, Denis Miki Foundation (DMF) has been producing and distributing free Reusable Face Masks, training on the production of locally made Hand Sanitizers in vulnerable communities in Cameroon. The Face Masks and Hand Sanitizers are made following WHO and Center for Disease Control (CDC) prescriptions. We are also running an awareness and education campaign both online and offline using social and local media and platforms like churches, door-to-door sensitization. We ensure social distancing, youth participation and gender mainstreaming in the processes as we involve adolescent girls of the Her Voice Club and Kid activists in our #LetsBeatCOVID19 initiative. We have a fundraiser to mobilize resources to continue with other activities like the translation of key messages on COVID-19 to local languages, produce educative Cartoon books and eLearning games to educate children on the prevention of COVID19. We have impacted 1500 people in 3 villages and 2 towns and over 30,000 by media awareness.

Call to Action: Join us as we #BeatCOVID19 today at