DMF Volunteer Community Mobiliser, Mr Emmanuel Sama attended the just ended 3 days intensive Regional Fellowship on Conciliatory-Peace-making and Democratic Governance (RENOD) fellowship program with a goal to build the capacities of leaders of Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) on Conciliatory Peace Making and Democratic Governance. This fellowship program organised by the International Governance Institute (IGI) had interactive exchanges and sessions on topics centered around non-violent methods of solving conflicts.

The RENOD Fellowship is a long term engagement of IGI to deepen the skills of active civil society actors and civic leaders in peaceful change approaches conducive to the prevention of violent extremism in Cameroon. During the fellowship participants were taught the 200 nonviolent ways of solving a conflict without it getting into violent confrontation.
At the end of the three days training, fellows were equipped with problem solving skills needed to solve issues before it became violent. The most important tool was learning on how to use the SPECTRUM OF ALLIES efficiently.