DMF Mentees

We believe that investing in community members through mentorship and coaching is a way of building a new trend of thoughtful and caring changemakers. Who can Pass-On the knowledge, skills and capacities we transfer to them to more people across different communities both locally and globally.

Our Mentorship Program runs through our DMF’s Financial Empowerment Mentorship Program (FINEMPRO), Hubs and Accelerator Programs, Intergenerational Mentorship Programs and Clubs. The main objectives being mentoring youth, women, girls and other targeted beneficiaries to start social ventures, create jobs, secure funding for projects, encourage job creation and entrepreneurship.

This is done through a 3 months intensive Mentorship program that provides selected Mentees with skills, knowledge and access to critical tools to become impact-oriented changemakers and business and social enterprise creators. The Mentorship program is also aimed at connecting DMF Mentees to available opportunities both nationally and internationally.

The Mentorship program includes:

  1. Training: 3 months of online and in-person (where feasible) training which guides creating and managing a business
  2. Mentoring: A world-class mentor to guide during the business transformation stages
  3. Funding: Training of Mentees on grants writing and lessons on how to secure seed capital to prove their concepts and how to secure further funding for their concepts and ventures.
  4. Network: Gain access to large networks of African start-ups and DMF’s global contacts
DMF Mentee Isabelle Teghen participating at a Consultative Meeting in Nigeria

DMF Mentee Mofor Ghislain Atanga is the Founded of Mofor Green Ventures (MGV); an Agribusiness growing Watermelon, Corn, Plantain, Cassava, Palms, Fish, Snails and Chicken in Cameroon to create employment and contribute to food security for sustainable development. Founded by 28 years old Cameroonian Mofor Ghislain Atanga, MGV has over 2 hectares of farmland employing over 10 staff with women being most of their workforce.

Become a DMF Mentee

Are you ready to join our flagship Mentorship program at Denis Miki Foundation? We receive applications on a rolling basis. To apply request for an application form today at Making this decision and signing up at a minimal fee of 25,000 XAF ($50) you are onto the most amazing life and career changing experience.