CSOs in Cameroon Are Called Upon To Participate in Cameroon’s Electoral Process

Denis Miki Foundation was amongst the few Community Based Organsiations invited by Canadian High Commission through Dynamique Citoyenne to participate in ” The Support Project to Promote the Participation of CSOs in Cameroon Electoral Process“.

  • This work shop was organized to educate civil societies in the South West Region on the importance of their participation in the Cameroon electoral processes. To give them a background on the electoral system, its different forms and their requirements.
  • To understand their expectations in respect to the electoral process and come up with strategies that can be used to monitor the election, so that it will be free and fare.

CSOs have the ability to mobilize our community to vote. The only way for the CSOs to participate actively in the election is through; civil education, vote counting and vote compilation. Our existence as CSOs is to craft an agenda how we can makes elections more transparent, so we have the right people in the right position and that they can be remove if they don’t perform.

Workshop deliberation sessions were done where participants were divided into groups and resolutions were arrived at.

DMF contributed by adding a voice to the policy reformation for the electoral process in Cameroon.