We invite you to be part of the Mandela Day (#MandelaDayWithDMF) 2019 Celebration designed to provide humanitarian assistance by Non-Food Items (NFI), Food Items, Health Insurance and SMEs Start-up Capital to identified vulnerable individuals in Limbe and around the South West Region. The event will be hosted by the Denis Miki Foundation under the leadership of 2017 Mandela Fellow and 2018 Obama Foundation African Leader, Emily Miki.

At the event you will have the opportunity to Share Love with our Cameroonian brothers and sisters and lend a hand as a way of Service to humanity. The event will be very interactive and you will have the opportunity to engage with and inspire persons who need a word and a support to make them realize they are loved and cared for.
The event which has support from a large team and family of DMF Volunteers (#DMFvolunteers), DMF Mentees (#DMFmentees), DMF donors, supporters and partners will also serve as a platform of networking at the place of service which is fundamental for key partnerships to be developed.
The event is slated to hold on Thursday 18th July, 2019 at Limbe, South West Region, Cameroon at 11 a.m. The event is entirely free but as a condition of participation we are requesting your support to host the event with a donation from the list below and confirm your availability by emailing us at contact@denismikifoundation.cm or phone calls at 652 975 274. Your 1 or 2 bar(s) of soap will make a change in the project!
Donation(s) List
1. Detergents/Omo
2. Soap
3. Food Items
4. Hygienic Products
5. BEPHA Health Insurance Sponsorship (6000CFA/$12)
6. SME Startup Capital
7. Educational Scholarship(s)
8. In Cash Donations by MTN Mobile Money to 652 975 274, Orange Money to 693 235 512 or by Paypal at https://www.paypal.me/pools/c/8elh0vUs2W, by Visa or MasterCard at https://www.paypal.com/donate/?token=oTztjMWnAJEVUEvIrcAoLFJDhGOYbQfduYBnzaCRpqWZCarOg43R5OXf2mp5wNMNhDS0Nm&country.x=US&locale.x=

The meeting which held on the 29th of June 2019 at Buea Town opposite the Police Station started at 10:45 am . It was said the following will be discussed.
-Matters arising from the minutes.
-Way foward of SOWYAB-NET.
-Each group has to come out with a plan of action.
-Secretariat needs office equipment and Stationaries.
-Each group should explain their achievements after the workshops.
-Closing remarks.
SOWYAB-NET was created in 2015 with Head office in Kumba. The head office was later changed to Buea due to insecurity. Planning for the official launching of SOWYAB-NET is on the way and members are to host activities during the launching. Members have to work together to develop new projects. Some of the materials needed are flyers, banners and T- Shirts. Each person is to pay 3500 for the T- Shirts and the colours will be white and green. The reason for this launching is to make people know what
NEPAD – GICABS (Gender Climate Change Agricultural Support Group PROJECT (NETWORK) is all about (that is to sensitize people) .We are to understand that SOWYAB-NET is just part of GICABS.
History of GICABS
Out of 58 countries only 5 countries were chosen to support small holder farmers among which Cameroon was one. It started in 2012 but implementation took place in 2017. NEPAD- New Plan for African Development is for small holder farmers. The program was a concern of states so countries came together to fight against climate change which is a threat. In Africa, women are mostly the ones promoting climate change due to forest destruction. Therefore, groups were identified and policies were put in place by people mostly involved in agriculture.
The launching of GICABS is to create awareness and that GICABS targets a few number of people that is the rural women. Note should also be taken to the fact that, the Gender Climate change agricultural support program initiated by NEPAD is now known as AUDA- NEPAD meaning African Union Development Agencies.
58 countries met in Equatorial Guinea due to climate change challenges (over heating,global warming). This is because when the climate changes, it affects the planting season.
Aims of GICABS
- To build people’s capacities.
-Innovative best practices. (Create women platforms,register 10 groups).
-Create policies.
Descisions for the Launching.
-Each organisation can decide to show things they have done while in their organisation’s concerning farming,planting. Every group should identify what he or she can bring.
-Each organisation needs to show case NEPAD by exposing what we’ve been doing.
SOWYAB-NET visited farms owned by members in Tiko and Mutengene and were so happy. An organisation dried plums, sweet potatoes and transformed it into flour and made sweet potato biscuits. They also dried pineapple, paw paw and different vegetables using the Drying Oven.
-Annual dues were read for those who had not paid to pay and it was said a sum of 50000 frs will be given for the Action Plan.
It was decided that the next meeting will be in September and it was said that a word document will be sent in the group so that all organisation’s fill to know the activities they will carry out on that day.
On the 21st and 22 of June 2019 Nformi Laura Berka, Chiara Manjo and Nancy Efeme represented Denis Miki Foundation and the Her Voice Club for the UNESCO Peace Ambassadors Training (a sub arm of the United Nations) which was specifically hosted by UNESCO Cameroon. The trainers where Mr Chamago Blaise and Miss Adele Ngole (Pioneer UNESCO Peace Ambassadors) . It was an intense training with theme: “STRENGTHENING CAPACITIES IN SUPPORT OF PEACEFUL ELECTORAL PROCESSES AND SOCIAL COHESION IN CAMEROON”.
The participants were trained on 5 modules
- Understanding the Concept of Peace, Conflict, Violence and War
- Conflict Prevention and Management
- Legal frameworks of Conflict/Dispute Settlement
- Women and youth in conflict and reconciliation
- Social cohesion in multiple communities
This training was taken part by over 30 volunteers and workers from multiple NGO’s from the South West Region. Our UNESCO Peace Ambassadors learnt a lot and would always be willing to give back to the DMF, Her Voice Club and our community when ever opportunities pop up.

DMF Volunteer Community Mobiliser, Mr Emmanuel Sama attended the just ended 3 days intensive Regional Fellowship on Conciliatory-Peace-making and Democratic Governance (RENOD) fellowship program with a goal to build the capacities of leaders of Civil Society Organisations (CSOs) on Conciliatory Peace Making and Democratic Governance. This fellowship program organised by the International Governance Institute (IGI) had interactive exchanges and sessions on topics centered around non-violent methods of solving conflicts.

The RENOD Fellowship is a long term engagement of IGI to deepen the skills of active civil society actors and civic leaders in peaceful change approaches conducive to the prevention of violent extremism in Cameroon. During the fellowship participants were taught the 200 nonviolent ways of solving a conflict without it getting into violent confrontation.
At the end of the three days training, fellows were equipped with problem solving skills needed to solve issues before it became violent. The most important tool was learning on how to use the SPECTRUM OF ALLIES efficiently.
Having signed up as a global member of MenEngage in the last few months, it was considered much needed to accept the call to belong to the local chapter of the MenEngage Alliance. Denis Miki Foundation has as 2 representatives for the MenEngage Alliance Cameroon Chapter one member from the Her Voice Club to be represented by Nfomi Laura Berka who will accompany a staff at DMF for meetings.

The aim of the MenEngage Alliance is to raise awareness of the influence men have in ending gender-based violence and speaking out against all kinds of inequality. This meeting was held on the 25th of May 2019 in Buea and was represented by one member of several organization all over Cameroon some of which includes; Big Step Outreach Network, Mother of Hope, Community Center for Intergraded Development, Hope family Life, Vision in Action, Reach Out Cameroon, MINPROFF and others.

The program started at 8:45am with the arrival, registration and introduction of member organizations. Also talks on why engage men in gender equality and several reasons where given like they form an integral part of the society and can also contribute to end violence. The Criteria was shared as to how one could join the movement like signing their memorandum of association by implication accepting their terms and conditions. Some organizations where voted such as:
- MenEngage Cameroon Coordinator; Community Center For Intergraded Development
- Child Rights Constituency; Hope Family Life
- Women’s rights Constituency; Mother of Hope Cameroon
- Youth Constituency; Sustainable Women Organization.
- Key population Constituency; Vision in Action
- HIV/AIDS Constituency; Big-Step Outreach Network.
DMF signed the Memorandum of Understanding and officially became a member of the MenEngage Alliance Cameroon Chapter.

The Internet is a virtual space facilitating inter-connectivity among people and machines across the globe; which makes it an ecosystem of its own and not so different from the physical world. The web was designed to bring people together and make knowledge freely available. Internet access is one of the rights that have become inherent to humans. Everyone has a role to play to ensure the web serves humanity. Governments, companies and citizens around the world can help protect the open web as a public good and a basic right for everyone.
In the past few years a number of countries have begun to promote an internet governance model based on the concept of network sovereignty. Network sovereignty holds that governments should have total control of the internet within their borders. This model differs from the current multistakeholder model of internet governance in which governments, civil society, and the technical community are considered equal partners in ensuring that the internet remains one, interoperable, global network. In practice, network sovereignty affords governments the ability to monitor the flow of information online, control the type of content that is accessible, and access user data stored within their jurisdictions.
Throughout January 2017 to March 2017, the government of Cameroon interrupted and shutdown the internet in the two English-speaking regions (North West and South West). This was executed under the pretext of maintaining public order. According to Internet without Boarders (2017), this has since been the longest internet shutdown in the history of Internet interruption in the world. By Economist analysis the ecumenical implications and losses of the cut is estimated to over 440 million F.CFA (US $ 880,000). The Cameroonian government’s institution of Law No 2010/012 of 21 December relating to Cybersecurity and Cyber-criminality in Cameroon, the Law Against Terrorism and the new Penal Code punishes citizens who publish false information including on social media. This situations are practical examples of the network sovereignty and the power it gives a government and also the challenges it has on an entire nation and the world at large.

Network Sovereignty is a threat to an open internet and democracy since it goes against international laws and declarations like the African Declaration on Internet Rights and Freedoms. The 8th Principle of the African Declaration on Internet Rights and Freedoms on Privacy says “Everyone has a right to privacy online including the right to control how their personal data is collected, used, disclosed, retained and disposed of. Everyone has the right to communicate anonymously on the Internet and to use appropriate technology to ensure secure, private and anonymous communication”. The concept of network sovereignty goes against the above mentioned principle and Article 12 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which states “No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, nor attacks upon his honour and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks”.

A new movement of local, national, regional and international leaders made of Civil Society Actors, Organisations and Individuals are now rising for the fight for the existence of an Open Internet which is free, and accessible to all. There are coalitions like the Digital Rights Coalition, Association for Progressive Communications, the Internet Rights Principles and Coalition Campaign and Open Internet for Democracy. It is imperative for everyone to join the movement to ensure a safe and open internet as we are all beneficiaries of the Internet. Denis Miki Foundation is an active member of several of this coalitions and campaigns and encourages all to join in as an individual and/or organisation.

A new movement of local, national, regional and international leaders made of Civil Society Actors, Organisations and Individuals are now rising for the fight for the existence of an Open Internet which is free, and accessible to all. There are coalitions like the Digital Rights Coalition, Association for Progressive Communications, the Internet Rights Principles and Coalition Campaign and Open Internet for Democracy. It is imperative for everyone to join the movement to ensure a safe and open internet as we are all beneficiaries of the Internet. Denis Miki Foundation is an active member of several of this coalitions and campaigns and encourages all to join in as an individual and/or organisation.
Building global leaders has been identified as a crucial factor for community and organizational growth. That makes sense when competition can come from anywhere. Being globally-focused is now a prerequisite for survival and for community advancement. Future global leaders must be those who can develop local leaders with the ability to execute development-wide plans, across nations and regions, at the local level. Being a global leader today goes beyond having a “global strategy” and requires an “interface leaders” — or local leaders — to execute strategies.

The understanding that, programs and projects needs to be distilled down to the community or local level, because understanding local markets still matters. The Local to Global Fellowship program at Denis Miki Foundation will train the Next-generation global leaders on the basic but globally accepted skills needed to become successful in today’s world. The lessons and knowledge shared will come from experts in the development, social entrepreneurship and humanitarian sector. Our goal is to develop local leaders who will represent the voices of local people and communities across national, regional and global communities and sectors. The Local to Global Fellowship is driven by the fact that indeed, the best global leaders are also the best local leaders because within nations and across the world, global leaders need to have local plans.
The Local to Global Fellowship has as purpose to inspire, train, build the capacities of local leaders and transform them to globally recognized and respected leaders. This programme is designed to help rising local leaders identify and refine their personal leadership styles, develop their emotional intelligence, and acquire the skills that will enable them to bring out the best in others.
Over five days, you will gain perspectives on how you are perceived, learn to connect with others, and identify areas of growth. The programme also includes a small group coaching session that will help you establish a personal development plan that you can implement within a three to five-year timeframe for sustained career advancement.
- Open to participants from around the world
- Be a young leader aged between 20 to 35
- Action oriented and currently running, involved or planning to launch a development initiative or social enterprise
Date and Fees
- Both national and international participants will pay a $5 non-refundable application fee
- Both national and international participants will pay a $300 participation fee if selected that will cover lodging and feeding
- Denis Miki Foundation will not cover transportation for both national and international participants.
- Selected international participants will have to cover their visa fee to Cameroon. DMF will be able to facilitate the visa application process for selected international participants.
Date | Venue | Participation Fees | Non refundable application fee |
17 June – 21 June 2019 | Victoria Guest House, Hotel Limbe, South West Region Cameroon | 150,000FCFA ($300) | 2500 FCFA ($5) |
Alumni / Early Payment / Team Enrolment Benefits
All previous DMF Mentees and Volunteers who are part of our team of alumni are entitled to 30% alumni savings on this programme.
Alternatively, you can enjoy savings if you pay early with MTN Mobile Money, Orange Money, Visa or MasterCard:
> 30 days before start of programme: 10% savings
> 20 days before start of programme: 5% savings
Team enrolment benefits are also available, please contact the Programme Advisor Nancy Efeme for details at nancy@denismikifoundation.cm
Application Deadline
- Deadline for application for the 2019 Cohort of DMF Global Fellows is the 22nd of April, 2019 at 5.00 p.m. GMT+1
- Participants are strongly advised to apply at least 2 days to the deadline to avoid challenges that arise as a result of overcrowding.
- Applications received after the deadline will not be considered
How To Apply
Click here to apply.
Children are one of the vulnerable groups affected by the ongoing Anglophone Crisis in Cameroon. The absence of education, the lack or poor access to health services and programs are major human rights concerns identified on the field by the team of Humanitarian Actors at Denis Miki Foundation.

It is in this regards that we are working together with communities, local and international partners to find ways of providing safe solutions that promote and protect the rights of children directly affected by the Anglophone Crisis. These include Internally Displaced Children and those Living in conflict areas.

In order to be able to achieve this, DMF Program Assistant and Women Mediators & Human Rights Activists Program Lead, Nancy Efeme participated in a 4 days training on Child Protection organised by the United Nations Children’s Fund, Cameroon.
The training which took place at the Capitol Hotel Buea from the 29th of January to the 1st of February 2019, brought together humanitarian actors and stakeholders working in the area of promoting Children’s Rights and who are members of the Child Protection Cluster.
Some of the topics touched on during the four days included; Child Protection In Emergency ( CPiE), the Minimum Child Protection Standards In Emergency, Child Protection Monitoring, managing UASC-Unaccompanied and separated children, Identification, Documentation, Tracing and Reunification.
Capacity Building, Children's Rights, Girl Child, He 4 She, Health, Her Voice Club, Leadership, MenEngage, Orphans & Vulnerable Children, Partnerships, Volunteerism, Women's Rights, Youth in the Picture
Her Voice Club Formed Following Focus Group Discussions with Adolescent Girls and Young Women (AGYW) on their Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR)
Adolescent Girls and Young Women (AGYW) are faced with challenges particularly while engaging in relevant policy and program design processes that directly affect their lives. An example of this is absence and lack of meaningful engagement of adolescent girls and young women in national AGYW and youth related policy and program processes supported by or linked to the Global Fund. Gender inequalities limit the ability of young women to protect themselves from infection.

In 37 countries only 30% of young women had the knowledge to prevent HIV. Young women with HIV also face stigma and discrimination. To respond adequately to the needs of adolescent girls and young women, their voices and ideas must be heard. They must have the opportunity to shape policies and programs that affect them. This report presented is based on information gathered following consultative sessions through Focus Group Discussions with 48 AGYW in Cameroon to ensure their opinions and voices are captured to shape the decision making, implementation processes in the HIV/AIDS respond plans in Cameroon through the Global Fund.

This report presents field consultation and analysis from this target group that represents their voices and opinions on a wide range of methods through which services like education can be provided to them. It provides a platform where we can ensure that they are able to seek and claim their rights to sexual health and HIV services. It highlights methods to contribute to the fight to end gender-based violence, a cause and consequence of HIV infections and proposes ways to create safe spaces for young women to become advocates and leaders in the HIV response and change harmful social norms to empower them.
The sessions that began with girls from 13 to 18 saw a lot of them having a lack of knowledge on HIV/AIDS. This was noticed because some of their answers to questions asked were incorrect and they were lacking on important knowledge about HIV/AIDS for example when it was coming to the difference between HIV and AIDS. A lot of them who were shy to speak at the beginning were able to start talking after a few minutes and we could watch their confidence grow and immediately after the session and our departure from the school a lot of them went on the internet to read more about HIV/AIDS and started following us on Facebook. The girls who participated at the Apostolic Comprehensive Secondary School have now began a club called Her Voice Club.
The AGYW who participated in the sessions out of the school campus had their sessions in outdoor environments, a choice made to create a space where they were comfortable and felt safe. The discussions created new friendships, exchange of life experiences and situations, knowledges and methods to engage them fully in the Global Fund processes. To be able to continue building on their capacities for their fully engagement in the Global Fund processes they proposed that a Whatsapp group should be created which was done of them and the Expert Trainers and the project team at DMF. A secret Facebook group was also to be created so that participants without Android Phones could be members. The team at DMF regularly shares workshop and consultative meeting opportunities at both the local, national and international levels, coach them in the application process so they can begin the engagement processes. Some are working closely with the team to build the article for the International Journal of Public Health so that they can be introduced to the processes and their capacities built.