Let’s Beat COVID-19 and Peacebuilding Conversations

Introducing our #LetsBeatCOVID and Peacebuilding Conversations

Individuals and organizations around the globe have mobilized to tackle the global pandemic that has caused so much uncertainty; yet most of us still have unmet aspirations and fears. The Coronavirus pandemic has shaken the world but despite that peace, security and human rights issues are still a major concern across different nations.

This initiative seeks to provide young people and women with a platform to have meaningful conversations on how the Coronavirus pandemic has affected their access to their basic human rights and also their meaningful engagement and participation in development and peacebuilding processes. Share educational resources, support, and guidance to make a meaningful difference that they can apply to real life situations in an engaging atmosphere.

Participants will have an opportunity to engage in weekly virtual conversations geared towards improving their resilience in tough situations, as well as practice important disasters and emergency management skills.

We are creating a safe space and platform for meaningful and practical exchanges for ensuring peace in times of uncertainty.

To join the Virtual Weekly #LetsBeatCOVID19 and Peacebuilding Conversations beginning on the 15th of June, 2020 at 12.30 PM GMT+1 to the 29th of June, 2020.


Week 1: Jun 15, 2020 12:30 PM Africa/Douala (GMT+1)

Week 2: Jun 22, 2020 12.30 PM Africa/Douala (GMT+1)

Week 3: Jun 29, 2020 12.30 PM Africa/Douala (GMT+1) 

Register in advance for this meeting at:


After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

#COVID19 #Peacebuilding #Youth4Peace #Women4Peace #YoungPeacebuilders #WomenPeacebuilders

Lets Beat COVID-19

In an effort to #StopCOVID19 in Cameron, Denis Miki Foundation has been distributing free Reusable Face Masks to churches, starting with Christ Evangelical Ministry International while practicing social distancing, ensuring youth participation and gender mainstreaming with adolescent girls of the Her Voice Club and kid activists taking an active role in our #LetsBeatCOVID19 initiatives. The Face Masks are made following WHO and Center for Disease Control (CDC) prescriptions. This is following our training on the production of locally made Hand Sanitizers and distribution of free Reusable Face Masks in Bokwango village, in Cameroon.

In Cameroon the number of confirmed cases keeps increasing with a total over 900 and over 18 recorded deaths. In response to this alarming situation, the government of Cameroon through the Prime Minister on March 17, 2020 in a press conference announced some 13 actions and measures as government’s response in curbing COVID19. We keep seeing new actions being imposed on the community at both the national and decentralized levels. 

In our immediate community, we still on a daily basis try to convince the lay man or woman of the existence of COVID-19. This sad reality goes to show how the community is still in high denial of the realities of this global pandemic. In our outreaches to distribute resources, train and educate on the preventive measures of this disease we discover the local man or woman has limited knowledge on the virus, it’s symptoms and preventive measures.

As an effort to contribute to #StopCOVID19, Denis Miki Foundation (DMF) has been producing and distributing free Reusable Face Masks, training on the production of locally made Hand Sanitizers in vulnerable communities in Cameroon. The Face Masks and Hand Sanitizers are made following WHO and Center for Disease Control (CDC) prescriptions. We are also running an awareness and education campaign both online and offline using social and local media and platforms like churches, door-to-door sensitization. We ensure social distancing, youth participation and gender mainstreaming in the processes as we involve adolescent girls of the Her Voice Club and Kid activists in our #LetsBeatCOVID19 initiative. We have a fundraiser to mobilize resources to continue with other activities like the translation of key messages on COVID-19 to local languages, produce educative Cartoon books and eLearning games to educate children on the prevention of COVID19. We have impacted 1500 people in 3 villages and 2 towns and over 30,000 by media awareness.

Call to Action: Join us as we #BeatCOVID19 today at https://www.globalgiving.org/fundraisers/letsbeatcovid19/

Cameroon Women’s Global Strike

Denis Miki Foundation (DMF) will be organising the first ever Women’s Global Strike in Cameroon as part of the activities to commemorate the International Women’s Day. We will be mobilizing 30+ grassroots women and girls, women human rights defenders (WRHDs), feminists and gender activists.

The activities include;

a) Mobilize women and girls to join us on Women’s Global Strike March Past on the 8th of March in Limbe holding plackades carrying key messages to be communicated to key decision makers and the general public.
b) Organize media campaigns at both local, national and international media platforms to amplify the voices of grassroots women and girls
c) Run a #HerVoiceMyVoice Podcast Series of stories from women and girls at the grassroots level and publish on Apple and Google Podcasts and amongst different stakeholders to influence decision making processes for the improvement of the conditions of women.
d) Host a Women’s Cirlce for women to have a conversation about issues that affect them which will be recorded and streamed live on our YouTube Channel and Social Media pages to create awareness on the situations women face and bring to notice solutions that work for this situations.
e) Officially launch our Women Support and Empowerment Network and Her Voice Club through a one day Fundraising Gala for Women and Girls Rights.

To join us, call us or email us today at join@denismikifoundation.cm and 652975274 or 670264947 or 677985413 and grab you T-shirt at 5000frs and STRIKE for the Rights of every Woman and Girl in Cameroon.


 We are pleased to inform the general public that our prestigious organization Denis Miki Foundation-DMF is in need of the services of Project Assistant. Interested persons should have experience working on Women and Girls Rights, Gender issues, Social Welfare, Project Management or it’s related fields. The ideal candidate should have experience working with an NGO and be resident in Limbe.

Applications should enclose a detailed and updated curriculum vitae and motivational letter, which should be sent to our organizational email; join@denismikifoundation.cm or deposited at our office situated at 49 Steps, Mbende, Limbe.

Denis Miki Foundation is a humanitarian and development organisation with mission to support the development of underdeveloped communities and groups through health, empowerment, capacity building, education for sustainable development, emergency education, sports for development, talent promotion and wealth creation. We have as objectives to sustainably develop and enhance the capacity of the poor, vulnerable and rural areas.


Today, she was able to train on backup of data as a digital security for Human right activists, journalists etc. It is interesting to know that back up of data is very important as it enables valuable information to be stored in safe places like the external hard drives, cloud ( google severs, drop box) and USB flash etc separately from the originals such that in the event where the original documents are compromised due to virus attacks theft etc, there will still be a copy of your valuables somewhere else.

Training in process

However, there is no one perfect security plan for data. Make a security plan that works for you and for the risk you face. Remember, ” what’s safe today might not be secure tomorrow ” . Hence, it is imperative to continually reevaluate your security practices. Take note that security is a continual process.

Miriam Agbor, Project Coordinator Represents DMF at the Digital Rights Coalition Capacity Building Workshop in Yaounde

The training workshop organized by CYEED and AFRO LEARDERSHIP in Yaounde Azur Hotel on November 1st and 2nd 2019 was a commitment to build capacity for the members of the Cameroon digital rights coalition on Public Awareness Raising Techniques/ Messaging and Communication Strategies. The workshop started at 8am with introduction of participants, followed by a word of welcome from both organizers, Mr. Charles of Afro Leadership and Mme Sophie Ngassa of CYEED. Next, was presentation proper by Mr. Kamdem who drilled the participants on Public awareness raising techniques referred to as tools for positive communication for digital rights advocacy. It was quite an interactive session and exchange of ideas between members of the different CSOs therein present. They all listed the different tools they used both online and offline (like flyers, posters, videos etc) and how they’re used in their different organizations to disseminate information to a wider audience.


 The facilitator’s approach in presentation was amazing. He used videos especially those that concerns gross human rights violation, security issues to draw the attention of CSOs on the issues unraveled in our society and how to better communicate/advocate for such a course. Participants were asked to comment on lessons learnt from the videos watched, paying particular attention to the content of the video, emotions conferred, what message was shared by the video, was it clearly understandable? And what better way to transmit the message.


The presentation on day two was on Public Awareness and Self Awareness. The facilitator defined Self awareness as a skill that anyone can learn to improve on the right exercises and habits (that is, paying attention to the way you think, feel and behave). Meanwhile public awareness is the public level of understanding about the importance and implication of a course or a topic of common/personal interest. Participants were enlightened on two ways to focus on in raising public awareness, which included through community mobilization and specific plan events like open door days, using poster cards for campaign, websites, social medias, documentaries, influential persons in society, musicians, bloggers and visiting schools etc. In using planned event to raise public awareness, a case study was presented to participants in order to enable them have a better understanding of how plan events work. In the case study presented, the following questions were asked: what was the event?, Was your CSO organizer or participant to the event? Why did your team think the event could be used to reach you target? Do you think your objectives were achieved? If yes, why and if no, what doesn’t work well? These questions are to help the implanting organization to improve on its communication strategy.


Rounding up, the facilitator advised the participants (CSOs) who used videos for public awareness to make a video structure not exceeding three minutes, for posters, it should be simple with keynote message on it, organizational websites should be simple, having the organizational logo at the top of the page, clear mission of the organization, its members, pictures showing activities engaged while avoiding unnecessary details and listing all partners at the bottom of the page. Day two ended with taking of group pictures, filling of an evaluation form and participants had a transportation fare of 25000 FRS each.

African Women In Leadership Organisation (AWLO) Workshop Attended by two DMF Volunteers

On the 23rd October 2019 marked a great day for AWLO( African Women In Leadership Organisation) Cameroon Chapter as they saw the success of their first ever event since its inception on the 2nd of March 2019 in Cameroon.The event that took place at the prestigious Djeuga Palace Hotel Yaounde , under the theme- “Women Leaders , Influencing the Next Generation of Female Leaders ” ,saw Over 200 young female leaders who came ready to overcome the challenges encountered in Leadership Roles and offer holistic mentorship to the next generation of young female leaders .

Speaking at the official opening of the event, the Vice president of AWLO,Cameroon Chapter, Madam Bertha Yenwo challenged women to dare their fears and appreciate the efforts of fellow women rather than run them down.

One of the speakers , Mrs.Marie Paul Niat reminded the women that self branding is primarily the building of a positive mindset which then translates to what we see on the outside. They were also challenged to use ICT innovations in upgrading their competencies and educational level.

Adding her voice to Barrister Onambele Anchang Conceilia’s, who said that, women should look beyond societal constructs which make them think like robots, motivational speaker Marja Motanga asked women to identify skills innate in them, improve on them and brand, then make it a selling point in the corporate world. A world in which many companies are now giving positions of responsibility to women, thus the need for every woman to keep adding value to what she already knows.

To these, the youngest speaker, CEO of Green House Ventures, Roland Fomundam, through practical examples demonstrated to the women that the moment a woman begins to see the value in another, her value also adds, given that a leader is not an island.

To add some colour to the event, the Awlo Cameroon Youth Council, graced the event with a wonderful display of different African Cultures via a fashion parade with different African Country outfits and music..thus celebrating the name African Women in Leadership and the different countries that makeup the organisation.

In all the women left this maiden AWLO event in Cameroon, with a sound understanding that their network is their net worth.. We can boldly say that the event achieved the goals of AWLO which are aimed at building empowering platform for women and harnessing the synergies of alliance..

We extend a big thank you to all participants and everyone who contributed morally , physically , psychologically to the sucess of this event.God richly bless you.

Once more a big thank you to Our Founder Dr Elisha, for this great vision changing the world,
A big thank you to Mommy Bertha Yenwo for her unfliching dedication to the growth of Alwo Cameroon
Thank you to Our Heforshe Boss Mr Gilbert Ewehmeh
And the entire Youth Council Cameroon Chapter.

“Truly together we are stronger” , “Together lets Carry the Ball.”

Long live Awlo Global
Long Live Awlo Cameroon
Long Live our founder Dr Elisha
Long live our Matrons
Long live Youth Council Members.

God bless us All

Reporting For Awlo Cameroon.
MIMI KAYLA .Communicator Awlo YC

DMF Volunteer and Her Voice Club Members Join Partners To Beat Cancer

Youths Who Run the World was organized by the Cancer Research UK and the Youths Who Run the World organization under the theme “Healthy and Active Lifestyle”. This event was facilitated by the Noela Lyonga Foundation on the 13th of July 2019 for from 7am to 8am at Bongo square.  It was an event where youths ran for 10km in 206 countries.

Our Her Voice Club Project Coordinator; Nfomi Laura Berka and our Her Voice Club He 4 She Ambassador; Melony Joseph represented the Denis Miki Foundation Her Voice Club in this year’s Youths Who Run The World Cancer Campaign in Buea.

DMF Volunteer; Sylvia Leku was also among the participants for the July 13th Youths Who Run The World Beat Cancer Campaign.

This event started with a talk on how to live a healthy lifestyle, it was participatory as youths contributed. Some of which include; exercising 21/2 hours per week for people more than 18 years old, thinking and developing positive attitudes, not consuming more than 7 cubes of sugar per week for people more than 18 of age and the importance of rest at least 8 hours for the ages from 16-18. This followed up by some warm up.

Noela Lyonga joined us some minutes into the warm up, where she welcomed all youths and gave a brief summary of the line of activities, the motive and rationale for the program and project. This led to the main part of the program where we jugged round Bongo Square and Clarks Quarters in pairs. This activity was a lot of fun as we sang songs like “who run the world? Youths!!” “Small thing pickam” and others.

We concluded the activity with group pictures, interviews from radio and TV stations that were present. Organizations represented included; The Noela Lyonga Foundation, Her Voice Club, BONET, UB fan Club and others. The CEO/founder of the Noela Lyonga Foundation appreciated the efforts and initiative and encouraged us to be health advocates. 

DMF Volunteers

Our DMF Volunteers program is a key pillar on which Denis Miki Foundation exists. It is a program that exists to build the capacities of the youth and has as objective to help us achieve our goal of putting Youth In The Picture in key decision making positions and places, jobs, businesses and opportunities. We believe in the added value of volunteerism to both our organisation and those who sign up as Volunteers with DMF.

DMF Volunteers over the years have proven to be the backbone of our nonprofit organisation. Our Volunteers help us with fundraising, administrative tasks and operations, and they help spread the word about the mission of the organisation. 

DMF Mentees

We believe that investing in community members through mentorship and coaching is a way of building a new trend of thoughtful and caring changemakers. Who can Pass-On the knowledge, skills and capacities we transfer to them to more people across different communities both locally and globally.

Our Mentorship Program runs through our DMF’s Financial Empowerment Mentorship Program (FINEMPRO), Hubs and Accelerator Programs, Intergenerational Mentorship Programs and Clubs. The main objectives being mentoring youth, women, girls and other targeted beneficiaries to start social ventures, create jobs, secure funding for projects, encourage job creation and entrepreneurship.

This is done through a 3 months intensive Mentorship program that provides selected Mentees with skills, knowledge and access to critical tools to become impact-oriented changemakers and business and social enterprise creators. The Mentorship program is also aimed at connecting DMF Mentees to available opportunities both nationally and internationally.

The Mentorship program includes:

  1. Training: 3 months of online and in-person (where feasible) training which guides creating and managing a business
  2. Mentoring: A world-class mentor to guide during the business transformation stages
  3. Funding: Training of Mentees on grants writing and lessons on how to secure seed capital to prove their concepts and how to secure further funding for their concepts and ventures.
  4. Network: Gain access to large networks of African start-ups and DMF’s global contacts
DMF Mentee Isabelle Teghen participating at a Consultative Meeting in Nigeria

DMF Mentee Mofor Ghislain Atanga is the Founded of Mofor Green Ventures (MGV); an Agribusiness growing Watermelon, Corn, Plantain, Cassava, Palms, Fish, Snails and Chicken in Cameroon to create employment and contribute to food security for sustainable development. Founded by 28 years old Cameroonian Mofor Ghislain Atanga, MGV has over 2 hectares of farmland employing over 10 staff with women being most of their workforce.

Become a DMF Mentee

Are you ready to join our flagship Mentorship program at Denis Miki Foundation? We receive applications on a rolling basis. To apply request for an application form today at contact@denismikifoundation.cm. Making this decision and signing up at a minimal fee of 25,000 XAF ($50) you are onto the most amazing life and career changing experience.